Dear reader,

Welcome to Publyon’s monthly Sustainability Newsletter! This edition is particularly exciting as we gear up for the upcoming EU elections.

We prepared a special treat for our readers: not only do we review the policy wishlists of various organisations to identify the critical regulatory enablers required for the EU’s sustainability journey in the next mandate, but we also prepared prizes for the best election forecasters.

Last but not least, do not miss out our interview with Ward Scheelen, Public Affairs Manager of Runden Group, where we uncover how sustainable companies are gearing up for the new mandate and use public affairs to make an impact.

European elections poll

Before we dive into the newsletter, get ready to turn your predictions into prizes!

Think you have what it takes to predict the outcome of the upcoming EU elections? Put your forecasting skills to the test! The closest guessers will win exclusive Publyon prizes. Don’t wait—be part of the action and see if your foresight pays off!

share your predictions
European elections poll
The spotlight

The spotlight

As future politicians wrap up their campaigns amidst the bustling chaos, we take a final look at the policy wish lists of various organizations to spotlight the critical regulatory support needed in the next mandate to propel the EU forward on its sustainability journey. Join us as we unpack how the EU can continue leading the global charge towards a greener, more resilient future.

For example, Reusable Packaging Europe (RPE) emerges as a staunch advocate for advancing the circular economy and combatting packaging waste. Their priorities include promoting reuse, ensuring uniform ownership protection of reusable transport packaging assets, and advocating for affordable and eco-friendly energy sources to sustainably power the sector.

Europeans for Fair Competition, representing European Airlines, highlight the importance of securing strategic autonomy, prioritizing sustainability, and safeguarding European standards for a socially responsible aviation sector. Their wishlist reflects a commitment to fair competition while addressing environmental and social imperatives within the industry.

Lastly, the Port of Rotterdam Authority emphasizes the importance of decisive actions to foster innovation and facilitate the transition to sustainable energy and raw materials. They advocate for digital transformation, robust cybersecurity measures, and protection against digital attacks to safeguard critical port infrastructure and ensure future prosperity.

As Europe stands at a crossroads, these policy wishlists are only a few of the critical enablers that will shape the EU’s trajectory over the next five years.

Do not hesitate to share your insights with us and help us expand this list.

Expert interview

Expert interview

Ward Scheelen

Ward Scheelen is the Public Affairs Manager for the Runden Group, which aims to enable reuse in a digital and sustainable (food) supply chain through its different companies. In his role, Ward ensures that the Group remains well-informed about emerging and ongoing EU policy developments, guiding the company in its strategic growth. His European oversight is essential in navigating the complex EU regulatory landscape, positioning the Runden Group as a frontrunner in circular packaging solutions.

Ward Scheelen

You have recently started as European Affairs Manager at Runden Group. What will you be focusing on and why?

In my role, I will focus on ensuring that our companies are up to date with and ready for European legislation that has an impact on their business models. In addition, since our Group tries to enable a supply chain that is as sustainable and digital possible, we also hope to push European legislators to match those ambitions in their policies. Finally, we aim to strongly support the work that our partners are undertaking in Brussels, primarily when it comes to pushing the message that reuse beats recycling!


Are you actively involved in positioning Runden Group around the EU elections?

Having only recently joined the Group, our impact on the ‘pre-election’ period is understandably minimal. As a company with strong roots in Niedersachsen however, we do have a good local network of potential Members of European Parliament that we look to engage with as much as possible still before the elections. Those stakeholders will of course play an important role in the next European Parliament, given they are (re-)elected. In addition, we are also taking the opportunity in the relative absence of legislative work to expand our network in important Member States (and their Brussels Permanent Representations), preparing for new policy initiatives in 2025.


Do you think a right-wing win in Europe will affect environmental policies and the evolution of the Green Deal?

Unfortunately, yes. One only has to glance at some of these extreme parties’ electoral programs and see that they are rife with (implicit or rather explicit) suggestions that the green transition is hurting the European economy and its citizens, and that it should be halted, or worse, backtracked. While the role of such parties in active policymaking in the European Parliament is generally limited, they do have the (of course much easier) possibility to form blocking minorities to stop progressive policies. Coupled with the growing presence of these parties at national level (and thus in the Council), it means we will have to be more present and vocal than ever. Use your vote, or others will decide for you!


What’s next for sustainable transport packaging?

The sky must certainly be the limit! We, as do all of the players in the reusable (transport) packaging sector, firmly believe that the supply chain must become more sustainable and digital and that our products have a crucial role to play. The recent conclusion of the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation however has shown that innovative business models such as ours still face strong opposition from established industries, stakeholders and practices that are wary of change and are rather happy with a status quo. It is therefore up to our industry to show firsthand that reuse beats single-use and recyclable alternatives economically, ecologically and logistically.


How is the Runden Group adapting its strategy in response to the latest EU developments?

I would say that we try to be ahead of the EU as much as possible anyway! The EU framework provides a sound framework in terms of circular economy, mobility, energy and digitalisation policies, however we take that as a starting point and aim to be ahead of that curve. It is inherent in the company’s mission to think ahead innovatively, and pair that with forward-thinking strategic decisions that ensure we do not need to adapt, but rather show proactively what is possible.


What benefits does Runden Group gain from engaging with EU institutions?

Ultimately, we of course want to have an impact on future EU policies that are relevant for our sector: making reuse the norm in the logistical supply chain. The added bonus of pushing for these changes in Brussels are naturally that you expand a network that allows you to retrieve valuable information, activate institutional stakeholders and increase your visibility and credibility in the EU bubble as a trusted partner.


How important is political/legislative certainty to Runden Group and what are the proactive steps your company takes to ensure it?

As for all companies, legislative certainty is crucial to make informed decisions. Therefore, the consistent implementation of the various initiatives from the 2019-2024 legislature is very important. Clear targets have been set at EU level, and it’s up to the Member States now to implement them nationally. In that sense, our cooperation with Member State-based industry associations is valuable , as it allows us to closely follow and impact the national level.



EU Deforestation-free Products Regulation: the impact on businesses

Deep dive into the EU Deforestation-free Products Regulation (EUDR), exploring its purpose and broader scope. Learn about the impact of EUDR on businesses which are placing commodities or products linked to deforestation in the European market.

EU Deforestation-free Products Regulation: the impact on businesses
Eliza Druta

Eliza Druta

Hi, my name is Eliza and I am curating this newsletter to bring Brussels’ main sustainability insights to your inbox, every month. Do not hesitate to reach out should you need more information on the newsletter’s content or if you have suggestions for our next editions.
