Alize de Vries

Junior Consultant

"Analyzing political developments, public opinion, and using this knowledge to address societal and social challenges is what drives me."

Alize de Vries has been working as a Junior Consultant at Publyon since 2024, focusing primarily on political monitoring and strategic advising for clients. Her specialization is in tech.

During her philosophy studies, Alize specialized in moral political philosophy, where she studied various forms of government and leadership styles. She has in-depth knowledge of how public opinion, truth, and values are shaped, and how these frameworks influence our beliefs, actions, and opinions.

She completed her master’s degree at the Catholic University of Leuven, where she supported the university in the digitalization of education. During her time in Leuven, she further explored the impact of social media on societal issues, and since then, she has closely followed developments in the field of AI.

In her free time, Alize enjoys delving into philosophical publications to keep her mind sharp. She also engages in creative projects, transforming her critical views on humanity and society into poetry, color, and form. Additionally, Alize is active in sports: she enjoys swimming, cycling, and yoga.