Daniela Brucoli

Communication Manager

“The basis of any positive achievement lies in the power of communication. Now more than ever, it is of fundamental importance to use communication wisely to go beyond our current ambitions and tangibly represent the bridge that brings together all the actors involved in this major transition.”

Now a couple of years into spreading her roots in Brussels, Daniela is originally from the sunny south of Italy. She started her studies in Siena and then moved to Modena to obtain a master’s degree in International Communication. Since her early educational experiences, she’s been driven by the urge to go and discover what lies beyond her national borders. She did part of her studies in Poland, moved to England to grow in Marketing and Sales and eventually ended up in Brussels to nurture her interest in EU affairs and sustainability issues. She worked as a Communication Manager for a not-for-profit organisation operating in the field of circular economy and then joined Publyon, where she boosts marketing and communication efforts to make sure organisations are not left behind on the journey to sustainability.

She speaks fluent Italian, English and Spanish and is brushing up her French.